The Government released further funding on March 29 to support the secondary effects of the health and economic impact of the coronavirus. This package is designed to provide care and help to the many who are facing hardship as a result of this crisis.
Medicare support at home
The $669 expansion of Medicare-subsidised telehealth services will give individuals access to support in their homes using their phone and video conferencing features to connect with GP services, mental health treatment, chronic disease management, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health assessments, services to people with eating disorders, pregnancy support counselling, services to patients in aged care facilities, children with autism, after-hours consultations and nurse practitioners.
Domestic violence support
An initial $150 million will be provided to support Australians experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence due to the fallout from coronavirus. The funding will boost programs under the National Plan to reduce Violence against Women and their Children.
Mental health support
An initial $74 million package has been released to support mental health and wellbeing. The Government’s Head to Health portal will provide information and guidance on how to maintain good mental health throughout the crisis and in self-isolation as well as how to care for others and access to further services and care.
The funds will be distributed to a number of causes to bolster their capacity and support including; Beyond Blue, Lifeline and Kids Helpline, the Community Visitors Scheme and Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia for indigenous communities.
Relief services for vulnerable Australians
An additional $200 million will be provided to support charities and other community organisations which provide emergency and feed relief as demand surges as a result of the coronavirus.
Information in this article has been sourced from:
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